How Can I Be Successful In Life: The Heart & Attribute of Success; A story of Mr Bright.


A little child finds the materials used by her father in building his art works and it would really mean a lot in their life time. Specifically, Mr Bright designs for modern house structures, and presents his arts to architects or other experts. His designs are often good to use, and they are made of basic materials, basic colour choices, and forms. The business have not been so profitable as modern day designers take the deals via links and many other means. Mr Bright considers doing some other businesses, and his art materials lay laggard in his gallery. Mavis has always loved to play with colours too. But on this day, she finds the stencil cards, and other materials that her father uses. Mavis has always played with the paints and pencils, but today, she makes more to it by placing a card on the other to form a shape. Mr Bright laughs so loudly and explains what she could have done better. She did the same again, and fear rises in Mr Bright, if her daughter would choose the poor path likewise. Mavis soon goes to the school of arts and becomes one of the greatest to reckon with in her age. She kept her father as coach, and pays him heavily for the rest of his life.

Be Like A Child, Find Beauty in the Formless Things Until they are Formed.

Discovering the things that come together to form empires; one may be too surprised to believe that those things really did. One truth that keeps being constant however, is that humans are made by default, to do something through, and in an unusual way. But when discouragement hits, and failure befalls their adventure, humans tend to back off or seek another way out. The truth however remains that the moment that itches the most in the lifetime of the blind, is that moment when they are about to gain their sight. Success is never a mansion built in a day, but it only takes a moment to access an entrance, then you say; “this is my dream house”.

Get the gist, often time, it is good to check the human mind or test it by considering the most natural and crude state that man can be. Become a child and you will see how consistent you can be while you toll some path the seem so rough and unyielding, and in most cases than not, there are very many positive ends to the dark tunnel from where you may easily back off with your so much expectant mind. To think visions get all clear once you set out for it is not true about success and its attribute, but to bear the heart of a child, and as well be an encouragement to many others who look up to you is one way to get to the peak of your dreams. That gift of yours that has looked to you like a relic of success is the same pencil that would sketch a great destiny for many, and your success story will not end up with you, but also that you raised men in life.


the gift of a man makes ways for him... 

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