Is Suicide the Solution? No, You Are!


You are the Solution

The solution to problem or confusion isn't death, and giving up on that situation isn't, either. Everyday is not rosy, but you can make each day glorious.

Yea, it's no easy thing, but you can learn to find joy in all you go through. Why? Simply because you are going through those situations to overcome them and get stronger, and not to be overcome by them. Do not falter in the day of battle, my dear. 

 Immediately you discovered how to overcome challenges, you've become a reason for another man's survival. That situation; that confusing state, does not have to choke you, because you are the master of your faith and you are the captain of your own soul. There is a strength in you that can intentionally shut your mind from that situation and fix your mind on the solutions to it. 

You Are Not a Failure, Golds Don't Fall in Fire. 

Please get personal about this; you aren't a failure because you are confused, you aren't a failure because you took the last position among equals, you aren't a failure because you seem to be behind in life, or because your colleagues are ahead of you...the day a man fails is the day that they give up and  intentionally take life from theirself. You become a failure immediately you choose to end it! 

 You weren't born to give up or to be defeated by challenges, you are born to be a solution and a conqueror. Therefore, don't give up. Kindly remember that some destinies look up to you. When you stand, a generation of nations stand, when you fall, a generation of nations do.

Do you even know? That even God looks up to you; - the reason He created you! What about your parents (Oh... you don't have them here, or they do not even care)? But humanity patiently looks up to you for a hope that you'd someday take your place of purpose and fulfilment, and some lives will bear meaning just because you gave meaning to your own life and live. 

Always remember that no decision is wise immediately it frustrates your essence and existence, you are the hope of your generation; I dearly enjoin that you do not give up. You are a solution, and to be a solution, you must face problems. If you don't, you wouldn't know your capability and how potentially amazing that you are; just like a gold don't know how awesome it would look after passing through fire -  this is the same way that the real beauty and value of a gold is best appreciated by all, after it has been thoroughly refined. Don't take your refining process as suffering darling, learn from every process, don't think negative. Stay in it. You would surely shine from it! 

Let Me Expose Suicide to You.

Suicide isn't just a one-day-action, I must expose. It starts growing from the mind, it starts killing through those negative thought. Firstly, those negative thinking makes your dream so blurry, then it gradually kills your hope, after which it kills your self esteem, then it distances you from people. Suicide makes you keep things that are meant to be shared, so they become so overwhelming. Just after this, depression sets in, and the thought of death has all reason to become  valid for you... I cry! Depression is a bastard!

Suicide comes in process, it is never a sudden occurrence.  This is why you should stay around positive thoughts, shun every evil thought immediately by speaking positive words loudly to yourself. Your actions correspond with your thoughts and words. Fill your mind with positivity, and believe in yourself. Always remember that I love you and I want to see you thrive! ❤️❤️❤️

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