The Power Of Positive Thinking by Owolabi Philip


Every border fights its brothers
And the flag of unity begins to sag
Wars are not about the availability of swords
Rather, the mind that developed its sores.
If interpretation of an insult were different
There might not be retaliation or injury
But because of the mind's processing system
Such words have become critical terms.
The above lines are simplified so you won't miss the message. How you use your mind is a present picture of your life. 
A mind is a neutral tool waiting for your concrete execution in whatever direction you choose. 
These four things can make your mind a positive or negative tool: 


1. What do you feed your mind with?

If all you feed your mind with is poisonous content, you'll grow and spread poison around you. Many racists in the world weren't born racists, but rather, they fed themselves with white supremacist stories and began to see life from that lens. 
The mouth is not a processing tool but a production one. It is meant to vomit out what the mind has been feeding on. If you can't control what influences you, then you'll be a loose influencer.
Feed on truth, not junk.

2. How you think

Many people have not taken the time to study how they think. Some people's thinking patterns are very irritating. They focus on issues and create gaps which they intend to fill with assumptions and then draw a conclusion that makes them insecure, depressed or have trust issues. 
How you think can be altered by submitting yourself to higher levels of reasoning through books or teachings from mind experts. You need to change how you think if you notice a downward slope in your thought process.


  1. Nice one, the mind is really a powerful tool

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