Paradox - the Wisest Wit...

ADÉYẸMỌ E.O kàkàkíỌgbọ́n

as if life was ever sane... you seek serenade without solemns & sorrows, you seek that all chicks become fowl, you seek that sweetness has a taste without the reality of soreness or bitterness... or you failed to hear? You failed to hear when adam told us the tales of the tree of good & bad - how clothes were better never worn than a protruding innocence & pure plums of humanity...

It's most dangerous when life is all good. It is scary to have pure clouds without punctuations of gloom. It is not safe to live without the reality of death; it is as pointless as walking on earth with the fear of the unknown... or why should you laugh when everyone does? 

when the sun comes smiling at you, remember the science of shades & the transiency of happiness - they walk so evidently with you like the substance in shadows - how two positives converge and you would soon wish they never met ... or why should you claim to have if you never lacked? 


...the loudest drum is played by the hands of the sage - they throb in silence & the wise twist their waists with muffled sighs to dance - right hand cupping the right jaw-side with clapped labials and the head shaking slowly along a meticulous tempo...

how better can you dance without your legs crossed?...

I have pried into the differences between binaries, & the pertinence between opposites. I noticed a broken synergy - it is the strongest string attaching lovers only when they part, & the fierceness in the grip holding a sea-swallowed needle. I discovered that paradox is the wisest wit of life...


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